Energy Plus foliar fertilizer

Energia Plus

Foliar fertilizer – High efficiency nitrogen condition improvement through foliage

The nutrient requirements of a rapidly growing plant often exceed the nutrient uptake capacity of the roots. Nutrient uptake is often inhibited by unfavorable soil conditions or extreme weather conditions.

Energia Plus foliar fertilizer supports the intensively growing plant with high N, Mg, S and 6 other micronutrient formulation.

foliar fertilization


  • Energy Plus foliar fertilizer contains the active substance N in the form of amide, which has excellent absorption through the leaf: due to its small molecular size, it easily penetrates the plant cuticle; it doesn’t cause scorching effect!

  • Because of its composition, it also helps the absorption of other compounds from the soil, thus indirectly improving soil-plant nutrient cycling.

  • Contains 6 other active microelements, therefore it is an excellent way of replenishing plant micronutrients and preventing deficiencies.

  • Due to its higher nitrogen content, it is ideal for targeted nitrogen supplementation of certain crops and for improving nutritional parameters.

  • Its use can be well integrated in a wide range of nutrient replenishment techniques.

foliar fertilization


1 liter of foliar fertilizer contains:
Nitrogen (m / m%): 15;
Mg (w / w%): 6,
S (w / w%): 3,
B (w / w%): 0.014,
Copper (w / w%): 0.015,
Fe (w / w%): 0.038,
Mn (w / w%): 0.018,
Mo (w / w%): 0.075,
Zn (w / w%): 0.015.

foliar fertilization


For foliar treatment of every arable crop in order to improve their condition, in the amount of 20-30 l/ha, diluted with 200-350 l/ha water, in the period from 8-10 leaf stage of the plant until flowering. It is advisable to apply in the early morning on large leaf areas during the period of intensive growth.

Do not use it during flowering!

In case of co-application with other formulations, a miscibility test is recommended.

Accompanied with plant protection treatments or by itself. Use of adhesion promoters is recommended.

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