Phylazonit Technology
Phylazonit Technology builds on three main elements
Phylazonit Technology
Phylazonit Technology builds on three main elements
The first step of the Phylazonit Technology will improve the state of soil as growing medium
The fungus diseases could be discouraged, so this is the first step to make it possible to produce healthy food materials.
Phylazonit Stubble decomposer
Suitable for decomposing residues remaining after any crop harvest.
The use of 10-20 liters of Phylazonit per hectare is recommended.
Prior to the treatment, the residues remaining after the harvest must be chopped or demolished and mixed uniformally with the top soil. If possible Phylazonit stubble decomposer should be sprayed on the surface of the crop residues and mixed into the soil without delay in one go with the work operation. Phylazonit dispersing system should be mounted on the working machine with which the 60-70% of crop residues mixed with the top soil.
The proper time of stubble decomposition depend on the state of the soil. If cultivation could be done in good quality, Phylazonit treatment would provides satisfactory results, too.
The cellulose decomposing bacteria ensure the decomposition of the organic matter and to form mineral nutrients that can be absorbed by the plants. During the period until the harvest of the next crop, much of the stem residues are formed into mineral nutrients which the next cultivated plant can utilize. Hereby, with the stimulating of soil life, the soil structure improves too, and the bound phosphorus in the soil can be mobilized.
The decomposition of stubble residues reduces the quantity of overwintering diseases and pests, by reducing their living space.
Inhabit the dead plant residues.
Phylazonit bacteria fertilizer should be dispersed on the same field year by year. It must be used for improve the conditions of a certain ground, not the crop.
The second step of Phylazonit technology, after taking care of the arable land, is treating the root zone, with which,
Soil inoculation means to improve the quality of the root zone’s microbial life, while suitable bacterial strains are introduced.
Phylazonit Soil Inoculant
Suitable for treating the root zone of any plant. The use of 10-20 liters of Phylazonit per hectare is recommended. In case of wide row distance, the soil innoculate should be inject straight to the trench of seed with the Phylazonit dispersing system, mounted on the sowing machine. In case of narrow row distance it should be mixed into soil in one go with seedbed preparation.
One of the bacteria in Phylazonit Soil Inoculate – named Azotobacter – is cabable of bindig atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a form that can be absorbed by the plants. The phosphorus mobilizing bacterias help the nutrient uptake of the germ. The cellulose decomposing bacteria ensure the decomposition of stubble and thus help the uptake of elements useful for the seedlings.
The bacteria strains capable of producing organic acids which can improve the metabolism of the plant-soil system.
Inhabit the roots of plants.
Phylazonit Soil Regenerator
Suitable for treating the root zone of any plant. The use of 10-20 liters of Phylazonit per hectare is recommended. In case of wide row distance, the soil innoculate should be inject straight to the trench of seed with the Phylazonit dispersing system, mounted on the sowing machine. In case of narrow row distance it should be mixed into soil in one go with seedbed preparation.
The bacterias in Phylazonit Soil Regenerator suppurt the nutrient uptake of the seedlings and protect the plants against pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
A group of soil bacteria, by producing siderophore compounds reduced the living space of fungi and protect the plants from the harmful effects of fungi. Therefore the plant will be more healthy, steady and wellnourished.
Inhabit the roots of plants.
The third step of Phylazonit technology, after taking care of the arable land and treating the root zone is
We must not forget sucessfull plant production require not only macro and secondary nutrients but a few grams of micro nutrients per hectare too.
Energia Humin
For foliar feeding of every arable crop to impove plant health. Recommended rate is 4-10 liter Energia Humin dissolve in 200-350 liter water per hectare, maximum concentration is 3%. Foliar feeding can be timed from young plant stage to flowering.
Do not use during the flowering stage!
For all mixes with chemicals the best is to do a small trial before use on a large scale.
Several active ingredients are used in plant protection treatments. These herbicides, fungicides and insecticides also cause any stress to the plants, often with a phytotoxic symptom (yellowing, scorching), whereby the development of the stock slows down for days to a week, and stops. The high humic acid content of the Energy Humin helps in this inevitably case, which itself is an important nutrient source for the plant.
Energia Plus
For foliar feeding of every arable crop to impove plant health. Recommended rate is 20-30 liter Energia Plus dissolve in 200-350 liter water per hectare. Foliar feeding can be timed from young plants to flowering.
Do not use during the flowering stage!
For all mixes with chemicals the best is to do a small trial before use on a large scale.
In rapid growth phases the plans require more nitrogen. To reduce the potential for leaf burn, the nitrogen source in Energia Plus could be rapidly and efficiently absorbed by leafes. In case of the recommended 30 liter per hectare dose, 4,5 kg active substance applied per hectare. Our product contains secondary and micro nutrients which are necessary for the plants. Thanks to the special composition Energia Plus could be applied in any crop.